Take Our Survey!

Take Our Survey!
Live feed of NP team eagerly awaiting your input. Photo by Windows / Unsplash

Friends, hello. And welcome to the Never Post Audience Survey, a set of questions about and for… you. 

The show’s been around for about a year. You’ve gotten to know us a little, we’ve gotten to know you a little. Things are going well. Should we move in together? Wait. No. Too soon. Too soon. Ok but really: we thought, like all new relationships, it would be nice to do a little check in and see how we’re doing.

The survey should take you around 10 minutes, and its mostly questions about how you find the show – what sorts of things do you like? What sorts of things do you NOT like? (don’t worry, you wont hurt our feelings; we want to know! also answers are totally anonymous!)

We’re curious about these things so we can make the show better – we want to make something you enjoy, and this is one way for us to learn what that is. And if we learn anything super interesting from this … we’ll tell you all about it in our State of the Show episode, coming in January. 

You can find the survey HERE.

If you have any questions, or problems, please email support at neverpo.st and thanks for participating!

-The NP Team